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A Wave Of Bomb Threats Heightens An Already Tense Mood In Ukraine

US and Russian diplomats clash over Ukraine at the UN

A wave of bomb threats heightens an already tense mood in Ukraine.

US-made anti-aircraft weapons have been used to take down Russian aircraft.

The United States and Russia clashed over Ukraine at the UN on Friday, with both sides accusing each other of escalating tensions and undermining efforts to find a diplomatic solution to the conflict.

US Ambassador to the UN Linda Thomas-Greenfield said that Russia was "playing with fire" by continuing to mass troops on the border with Ukraine and by engaging in "provocative" military exercises.

Russian Ambassador to the UN Vasily Nebenzya accused the US of "hysteria" and said that Russia was "not a threat to anyone." He said that Russia was "open to dialogue" but that the US was not interested in a "serious discussion."

The clash between the two sides came as Ukraine reported a wave of bomb threats against its diplomatic missions around the world.

The Ukrainian Foreign Ministry said that it had received bomb threats against its embassies in at least 12 countries, including the US, the UK, France, and Germany.

The threats have heightened an already tense mood in Ukraine, where there are fears that Russia is preparing to invade.

The US has warned that Russia could invade Ukraine "at any time" and has urged its citizens to leave the country.

Russia has denied that it is planning to invade Ukraine, but it has continued to mass troops on the border.
